Colombia has been suffering for more than a century, with civil and guerilla wars that have caused thousands of people to be tortured, murdered, and disappeared. This brief audio recording features the sister of one such victim, a man who was associated with the M-19 guerrilla group.
Almost 30 years ago, this armed group started and completed a peace process with the Colombian government and became one of the most important civil and political movements of the country. Nevertheless, many of the people belonging to the M-19 were subject to forced disappearance in the middle of the peace negotiations.
This animation tries to bring to the conversation the voices of many people who suffer from the disappearance of their families and loved ones by this endless war.

Client: Unity for the Victims of the Conflict | Colombian Government
Direction: Alejandra Calderón | Cristian Sandoval (@crioff)
Production: Alejandra Calderón
Script: Alejandra Calderón
Art Direction / Illustration: Cristian Sandoval (@crioff)
Edit / Audio mix: Diego Efe (@marlapost)
Animation / Composition / Post: Cristian Sandoval (@crioff)
Direction: Alejandra Calderón | Cristian Sandoval (@crioff)
Production: Alejandra Calderón
Script: Alejandra Calderón
Art Direction / Illustration: Cristian Sandoval (@crioff)
Edit / Audio mix: Diego Efe (@marlapost)
Animation / Composition / Post: Cristian Sandoval (@crioff)